So I finally made the big move to NY after many days of meeting with realtors and searching apartments on craigslist varying in location and size, from park avenue apartments way out of my price rage to tiny studio apartments in the west village, still out of my price range. So I finally settled on a place in Hell's Kitchen with my college roommate, and things are moving along. Mattresses have been delivered, kitchen supplies have been bought - now all we need is internet and cable to be installed (Friday yay!) and a couch (coming in two weeks ugh!) While I wait on these vitals, I have become a regular at Starbucks - free internet yes! - to begin the job search.
So that being said, I will make one plug for myself - anyone know of any photographers needing an assistant or wanting to take an amateur under their wing? Know of a local NY newspaper needing photographers? Need a photographer for your birthday party? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Let me know! Thank you!!!!